

After the success of the Boomerang feature, Instagram was looking to develop a new and fun camera format.

I aimed to establish a camera format allowing users to quickly generate fun, shareable content from mundane moments. And we developed a new camera feature called Superzoom.

Established the camera tool that dramatize ordinary moments.

Established the camera tool that dramatize ordinary moments.

I aimed to design a camera experience allowing users to generate fun, shareable content from mundane moments quickly. And we developed a new camera feature called Superzoom.

During the development process, Joshua Dickens, a fantastic product designer I respect, suggested playing music to accompany the video processing, which was a great idea. And I designed various zoom effects that would suit the music.

Immediately after launching the first version of Super Zoom, for which we had already prepared various options during the development phase of the 1st version, we added some more comedy options to the Fast Follow V2 version.

This feature was widely accepted as a tool to dramatize ordinary moments.

 As we saw the success of the feature, later on, we designed and launched V3, which has evolved into a tool that can amplify rich emotional expressions such as love and sadness, surprise, and anger.

As we saw the success of the feature, later on, we designed and launched V3, which has evolved into a tool that can amplify rich emotional expressions such as love and sadness, surprise, and anger.

 Initially inspired Sound Board toys and wanted to make this feature as a sound toy device that can add simple VFXon Instagram.  I thought of it as a fun feature with various sounds but changed direction as a Superzoom V3 along the way because of its

Initially inspired Sound Board toys and wanted to make this feature as a sound toy device that can add simple VFXon Instagram.

I thought of it as a fun feature with various sounds but changed direction as a Superzoom V3 along the way because of its similarity in functionality to a Superzoom. I immensely enjoyed this creative process, though.
